
THEN SHE WAS GONE— A novel by Lisa Jewell

Review by TFR This review will be divided into 3 parts: The One Sentence Review. The Short, Summarized Review, for when you’re running low on time and energy. The In-Depth Analysis of the novel, focusing minutely on its characters, their development throughout the story, the writing style as well as the ending (AAARGH! I’ve got…

What is a Good Book And My Book Review Criteria

What is a book? A book is a medium for recording info in the form of writing or images, typically composed of many pages (made of papyrus, parchment, vellum, paper) bound together and protected by a cover. That’s a more technical definition of what a book is. A book, in my opinion, is a combination…

My Review Policy

Hey guys! It’s me, The Flawsome Reviewer. Thank you for your interest in my blog! If you are an author, a publisher, a creator, or a mangaka, and if you want me to review your work, I will gladly consider your request. Or, if you are someone who wants me to review something that isn’t your own,…

Who am I?

Hey, guys! It’s me, The Flawsome Reviewer aka The Writing Addict. I am a broke college student who wants money. But, as you already know, this blog is not intended to serve that purpose. Now, I love books. Usually, I use my college library and whatever free resources are available, but, sometimes, the situation warrants me to…


Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else’s opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation. Oscar Wilde

How would the newspapers know?

A nice rainy day. I hear a cry,Then another,And then a bunch,Pouring in the distance. The rain.Must be hell for them.Some damned child must’ve diedIn the choked, clogged streets.It must be her motherWailingAnd her father too,And her younger sisterMust be busy sucking on her thumb,Too young to grasp what has happened. The noise stopped at…


Continued from DISTURBED 7 A…watch? A beautiful charcoal black pocket-watch peeks from under the crimson cloth. You inch closer to take a better look. What you see horrifies you. You notice that the watch is dangerously similar to the one you saw in the video—the one that belonged to Rowan. Giving in to your curiosity,…


For a man to conquer himself is the noblest of all victories. PLATO


Continued from DISTURBED 6 This is—what, a horror movie!? With squinted eyes, you glare at the little brown box. I need to move this somewhere else. You fetch your bat from under your bed, and with a swift motion, you flick the box away. *THUD* The package lands in the lawn, spilling its insides out.…


Continued from DISTURBED 5 *DING DONG* The loud noise startles you for a moment. You had been so engrossed in the videos that you lost track of the time and place. You stand up. It is almost evening. Who could it be at this time?  You wonder as you move towards the basement door.  With…


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6 thoughts on “Home

  1. Thank you so much for following us. I am hoping that I am following you too. Still learning how to use this site. Tyra is better at it than me, but I wanted to say thank you and look forward to reading more on your post, and hearing your comments on ours. Thank you so much for your support!

    Liked by 1 person

    • First, thanks for following my blog! Second, well, I am not an expert at WordPress either. It’s been only two months, but it’s not that difficult once you get the hang of it.
      And last but not the least, I am glad we could connect!
      Thanks for your support as well!

      Liked by 1 person

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